Friday, October 23, 2009

Service learning ideas

Here is a link to my notes taken the last class. The following are my classmates ideas for service learning based on their presentations from last week:

Chance: Calls to congress, letters. getting them involved in government
Adam: Voter registration, community outreach
Megan: Human trafficking, spreading awareness, modern day abolitionists? current legislation to stop it. Blue heart facebook pic to raise awareness.
Jen: military letter writing drive.
Josh: Honoring veterens, November 11th, interview one veteran for 30 minutes about their service, blog about their experience participating , others can learn by reading
Jeremy: War on drugs, similar to DARE but less one-sided
Megan: Connecting students with specific soldiers from the community; more than writing letters to them; film a video about their progress and upload to the website. present a weekly question about what they learn about technology or their soldier. Good way to keep them aware of geography and intl events.
Liz H: operation Christmas boxes, christmas for children less fortunate, interview and blog about their experiences
Eric: lives of the elderly- elderly participate in research project. encourage them to email their family. do a questionaire 1 month later to see if they make a difference.
elizabeth j - global awareness; help students understand immigration; focus on the culture and language of a certain country to create a wiki
Mallory - habitat for humanity to determine cost of houses; research cost effectiveness; inverview habitat people, help students learn about homlessness and urban economics
louisa- senior oral histories. "5 things they couldn't live without" - then create a vodcast. vodcast viewing party at the home. make them feel good about their experiences.
Mark- political class wiki, biographical sketch of local politician that they interview posted on the wiki. use clipart if students do not want to draw their own.
Katie- visits and interviews with the elderly
Jeff - groups of kids pick up local parks and public places. wildlife conservation and environmental awareness, make a video of them at the park
Megan P- reseraching past presidential election trends, differences in media roles at those times, role of government in daily life over time, interview seniors about past elections, have them create a podcast
brit - voter turnout exercise, use surveymonkey to creating a questionaire about public opinions, makes them aware of election issues and teaches about data collection and interperetation
Nicole - students learn about voting and campaigning. They will have their own campaign. Use google motion to find trends in past elections. They will have polling questions of their own to create a motion chart.
Angie - Students learn about their individual rights. They select a topic concerning them and they will research their topic, determine current value, then publish their findings on a wiki.
Trish - at risk students making pen pals in Japan. letter exchange will expand cultural horizons and global citizenship. Help teach them about bias and they can exchange information about their dialy lives. possibly exchange packages. Create a wiki about their experience. They would right a paper talking about any issues they had.

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